Tuesday, March 22, 2011


suddenly has an urge to post lots of quotes onto my tumblr:

lots of them...
I like most of them...=)
kinda meaningful..

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I miss U's

family came for a visit today..=)
all 5 of them stuff themselves inside my tiny little room..
then Dad just say "take a pic of us..
scare u forget us.."
very funny lo~
he just wan me to try out my new handphone...
because he is planning to buy the exact same phone as me..
he said "like this got pair mah.."

eldest younger bro is coming to Talyors too...
he's a spy O.O
he's taking FNBE...

Thx to dad..
had a great lunch at Sakae Sushi...
yeah! cheers!
enjoy the environment and the way we used to have meal as a whole family..
the taste of the food is simply more yummy delicious...^^
miss u all lots!

hectic chp2

It's really a great relieve after this HECTIC week!
I have to stay up for one whole night to finish the Tonal Values...
Someday I will be a treasure of a country!
I am turning to become more alike my friend, Mr. Panda Bear!

My hideous and ugly work while fishing...

oh ya..
sy got a new nickname which is Cricky!
we wore checkers when we went to Sunway Pyramids..
eating PIZZA HUT...

sy's sizzling checkers..=pp

i want to promote my cheesy smile =D

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

hectic chp1

my group and I had just done a performance for our 'mask making'
title is Snow White's 7 dwarfs...
each of us has our own different personality..
mine obviously is...

the spring-like circles are my confusion...
there's lots of them..
represents how STIM I am...

stay tuned for more assignments or projects pics!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


4 projects and assignment due next week...
=.- tense and pressure...
5 sketches...
mask making...
documentation of material 'glass'...
types of toning...i think..-.-
 have to concentrate!